5 Ways to Winning Health and Wellness on Vacation

You're feeling phenomenal, in a great flow with your routine that has you operating in the frequency you love to live in. Your trip is on the horizon, and while it's going to be a blast, you don't want to fall entirely off the wagon. A little off-the-wagon is okay; it's vacation, right!? 

We've all been there, and TrollStar has got you covered, so tarnishing the results of your hard work and discipline doesn't stop your care-free vacation. 

When you get back, you'll feel more refreshed, refueled, and ready to rock than when you left! 

1. Planning ahead

A strong foundation will set your entire trip up for success. So, a week or two before the trip, open google and search the area you'll be vacationing for healthy restaurants, gyms, and grocery stores! This is something we're happy to assist with as well! 

If the place you'll be staying has a gym, you can cross that one off the list. You may be a member of a specific gym; if that's the case, we should look at how close it is to you! Working in a gym, you're familiar with can make going a more comfortable experience. 

The restaurant research is pivotal. You're on vacation, so there will be times you're on the move and getting pretty hungry! When you know there's a place around the corner serving fresh food that fits your current nutrition strategy, you'll be much less likely to make an impulsive purchase from a fast-food or sub-par eatery. - Plus, your energy supply will be significantly improved with this decision. More energy means more fun! 

The first grocery store trip of your vacation will set the tone you need to be healthy the entire week! So once you get in, take a breath, maybe freshen up, and then GET TO THAT GROCERY STORE. Even if you don't have a stove where you're staying, there's always a refrigerator you can pack a full of healthy treats. 

Pro Tip: Download the grocery store's app if they have one, and you can have them delivered or pick them up. This way, you won't have to spend a lot of time grocery shopping. 

2. Exercise Everyday  

I get it, you're on vacation, and you may not be able to spend an hour or so in the gym. That's fine. Focus on getting at least a 15-30 minute workout done in the morning. -- By checking your workout off the list in the morning, you won't have to worry about avoiding drinks in the evening or being too tired. 

The trip may be pretty energy extensive, and if that's the case, let's stick to a 15 minutes HIIT workout. You don't need any workout equipment for these either! 

Packing a jump rope is easy and doesn't take up a lot of room in your suitcase! In addition, there are tons of apps and websites full of good information on exercises that don't require equipment. 

It's very common to take a break from working out while vacationing, but staying at is vital for your body and immune system! Also, coming down with something on vacation is something you want to avoid. 

3. One Fresh Meal Daily 

Get out there and indulge in that local food fare! It's part of the experience! But, simultaneously, you should set aside time for at least one fresh meal daily. 

Google and Pinterest can be used to inspire all sorts of no-cook recipes if you've only got a fridge. Of course, you can always lean on the old faithful salad choice. 

You'll find it easier to have your fresh meal for breakfast or lunch. This is because you might be a little tired around dinner time. - We recommend trying to get the day started with your fresh meal right after your workout. 

That combination sets a strong, healthy foundation for the day's events to come. 

Not only does making a fresh meal in your Airbnb or hotel save money, but the energy and fuel your body gets from the homemade meal is unparalleled. 

4. Planning Sleep 

Everyone sleeps, which may seem like a given, but not everyone sleeps smart while on vacation. This especially goes for overseas traveling. So you'll need to plan your sleep schedule! 

With all the exertion that comes with traveling and vacationing (carrying luggage, walking all day, etc.), your body needs adequate rest. 

One of the best things you can do is get acquainted and adapt to the local time zone before leaving—kiss jetlag goodbye. About a week or so before you leave, start going to bed and getting up closer to your destination's time zone. -- So, even if you're not working from home, you can still decrease the shock on your body that comes with crossing time zones. 

5. Protect Yourself; Inside & Out

Nothing can ruin a trip faster than falling ill or a mean sunburn (knock on wood). 

Let's start with the inside (your immune system) -- There's no shortage of new-to-you germs lurking in every crack and crevice on your vacation. So, after recent events, it may seem like a no-brainer; make sure you pack a travel-sized or two bottles of hand sanitizer! 

We recommend making a habit of washing your hands before every meal. So when the family pulls up to a restaurant, break off and hit the bathrooms before grabbing those fresh glasses of water with your germy hands. — This can seem a little overboard, but new germs in your body can put a drain on your energy supply, even if you don't feel sick! 

If taking vitamins or supplements is already part of your daily routine, keep that going on vacation. On the other hand, if this isn't something you usually do, we suggest at least including a multivitamin into your daily mix (unless your doctor has told you not to).

When it comes to the outside (your skin), ensure you bring some form of sun-protective clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen! 

Ensure your sunscreen has at least 6% zinc oxide or titanium oxide as an active ingredient. These ingredients bring the most protection to that beautiful skin of yours. Even if it's not super sunny out, you can still get sunburnt from overcast! 


We hope this bag of health tricks is light enough to take on your vacation!

We're here to help your vacation be unforgettable, from start to finish. So don't worry; if you forget some of this info, we'll bring it up during your trip planning. 

If you loved this article or found it helpful, we'd love to hear from you.


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